Good Deed Quotes
Text Quotes
No good deed goes unpunished- Syn (Good Deed Quotes)
[In politics] no good deed goes unpunished (Good Deed Quotes)
Even a smile is a good deed (Good Deed Quotes)
No good deed ever goes unrewarded (Good Deed Quotes)
No good deed ever goes wasted (Good Deed Quotes)
No good deed goes unpunished - Oscar Wilde (Good Deed Quotes)
You can only do righteous acts and good deed by grace (Good Deed Quotes)
For every good deed done, a blessing is waiting to be born! (Good Deed Quotes)
For even in dreams a good deed is not lost (Good Deed Quotes)
A good deed dies when it is spoken about (Good Deed Quotes)
One should see the world, and see himself as a scale with an equal balance of good and evil. When he does one good deed the scale is tipped to the good - he and the world is saved. When he does one evil deed the scale is tipped to the bad - he and the world is destroyed (Good Deed Quotes)
Remember that sign they hung up in an EPA office during the Reagan administration, no good deed goes unpunished? Under George Bush, no good science goes unpunished (Good Deed Quotes)
Don’t settle for helping those who will help you in return or doing a good deed for others to see. Help others without expecting anything back. Even if nobody else cares, God will notice (Good Deed Quotes)
Some people find the gift of salvation. For others the gifts are smaller: a kind word, a good deed. But all the gifts are from God. (Good Deed Quotes)
Forget yourself by becoming interested in others. Every day do a good deed that will put a mile of joy on someone’s face. (Good Deed Quotes)
When Allah puts barakah (His blessings) in something, it will come beyond your expectations- never underestimate the power of one good deed. (Good Deed Quotes)
The good deed you do today, for a brother or sister in need will come back to you some day, for humanity’s a circle in deed. (Good Deed Quotes)
In the beginning there were two primal spirits,Twins spontaneously active,These are the Good and the Evil, in thought, and in word, and in deed. (Good Deed Quotes)
In the final analysis there is no other solution to man’s progress but the day’s honest work, the day’s honest decision, the day’s generous utterances, and the day’s good deed. (Good Deed Quotes)
Happiness follows sorrow, sorrow follows happiness, but when one no longer discriminates happiness and sorrow, a good deal and a bad deed, one is able to realize freedom. (Good Deed Quotes)
Good Deeds Day is based on a simple idea that every person can do a good deed for the benefit of others and the planet. Even a smile that brightens someone else’s day is a good deed. I initiated Good Deeds Day to spread the message that everyone can give of themselves, according to their heart’s desire. (Good Deed Quotes)
Everytime you do a Good Deed with true intention, your soul grows purer (Good Deed Quotes)
How far that little candle throws its beams! So shines a good deed in a naughty world. (Good Deed Quotes)
Roald Dahl pioneered a new kind of literature for youngsters, one that dispensed with can’t and solemnity, favoring anarchy and joy over duty and humbuggery while acknowledging that oftentimes no good deed goes unpunished. But ultimately, it was his sheer joie de vivre that carried the day. (Good Deed Quotes)
One year, my good deed started with deciding to give all my friends makeup from a cruelty-free cosmetics line that I love. I did this with the hope that they would love it as much as I do and end up switching their makeup over to that cruelty-free line forever. (Good Deed Quotes)
To reprove a harm-doer, put him to shame by doing a good deed in return (Good Deed Quotes)
Did my good deed for the day. Still not close to heaven, but it’s something. (Good Deed Quotes)
Whatever our creed, we feel that no good deed can by any possibility go unrewarded, no evil deed unpunished. (Good Deed Quotes)
If you do a good deed to reap the reward of blessings, wouldn’t you be performing a selfish act? (Good Deed Quotes)
Like a stone thrown into a pond, a good deed can create ripples that extend far beyond the initial splash. (Good Deed Quotes)